Oddbods is a Singaporean cartoon television series produced by One Animation. Aimed at preschool-age children, the show is broadcast in over 180 countries, with 10 million subscribers on YouTube. In early 2021, One Animation approached Salween to engage parents of preschoolers in the US and UK with informative, educational and fun content to raise the profile of the Oddbods brand and boost fan growth organically. They needed a content marketing agency with an excellent grasp of international markets and expertise across social media, online campaigns, content strategy, design and copywriting.
The Birth of Oddblog
In a crowded children’s cartoon market, Salween had to find a way to create a unique, compelling narrative to win the hearts and minds of parents — value-adding to their parenthood journey. In the summer of 2021, the “Oddblog” was born. Under the Learn, Grow and Play pillars, we created a series of high-quality articles and amplified them on Oddbods’ social media platforms. We partnered with parenting communities and preschool thought-leaders in the US, leveraging their expertise and influence to support parents while sharing the learning values of Oddbods. The “Oddblog” became a useful source of comfort for parents — inspiring, authentic, yet relatable.
Entering a New Market: Indonesia Campaign
One Animation wanted to penetrate the Indonesian market via a Tokopedia launch for Oddbods merchandise. Salween Group planned a tactical campaign to create hype and excitement around the event. We also produced Summer Back to School, Halloween and Christmas campaigns throughout the year.